An inductor is a passive electrical device working in electrical circuits for its property of inductance. Inductance is an consequence which results from the magnetic field that forms around a current carrying conductor. Electrical current through the conductor creates a magnetic flux relative to the current. A change in this current creates a change in magnetic flux that, in turn, generates an electromotive force that acts to oppose this change in current. Inductance is a calculate of the generated emf for a unit modify in current. An inductor with an inductance of 1 henry produces an emf of 1 V when the current through the inductor changes at the rate of 1 ampere per second. The number of turns, the area of each loop/turn, and what it is wrapped around influence the inductance.
An inductor opposes changes in the current. An ideal inductor would offer no resistance to a constant direct current, however, only superconducting inductors have truly zero electrical resistance. Inductors are used expansively in analog circuits and signal processing.
An inductor opposes changes in the current. An ideal inductor would offer no resistance to a constant direct current, however, only superconducting inductors have truly zero electrical resistance. Inductors are used expansively in analog circuits and signal processing.